Tuesday 30 September 2014

Test Of Faith

Saint Job The Faithful Servant Of GOD

Suffering the loss of his family, wealth and health, Job curses his misery and wishes for death. He cannot understand why he suffers when he was very faithful to God.

In the Gospel, is the most faithful man of all time, the sinless son of God. Jesus is marching to Jerusalem where He knows He would suffer crucifixion in spit of His faithfulness. But nothing would stop Him for He knows the purpose- to pay for our sins. 

Sin is never private. Even those we commit to our own body increases our selfishness and weakens our willingness to serve others (failure to love is a sin). Sin causes an imbalance in God's Kingdom of Love and someone must set it right. Suffering that's not of our causing is an invitation from Jesus to those He has saved to join the fullness of His life and help Him carry the cross (4Col 1:2). 

Let us offer our suffering to Jesus.