Naboth was killed for resisting the tempting offer of evil king Ahab for his land. GOD forbade him to give up his ancestral heritage.
Likewise, Jesus also refused to give up His ancestral heritage, the HOLINESS of His Father in heaven that He brought down to earth. This heritage He also hands down to us: "If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other one also....and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." This is our Father's response to our sins. This was Jesus' response towards His torturers during His crucifixion.
As children of GOD, we are also to resist the temptation to instantly strike back an eye for an eye at the slightest offence. Rather, we look at our offender as another child of GOD victimized by Satan and who needs the heritage of a "Second mile," the second chance that GOD gives us daily.
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