Monday, 16 June 2014

The Lord's Mercy - Rich And Everlasting

"Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned." The Lord is rich in mercy and His mercy is everlasting.

On the very day His Son was tortured and killed, the Lord continued to send sunshine, cooling breeze, nourishing food and refreshing water to His Son's killers. "He makes His sun rise on the bad ans the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust." (MT 5:45) 

The Lord even had mercy on Ahab, the most evil man in the Old Testament (1Kings 21:25) and on Saul, the most evil man in the New Testament (1Tm 1:15-16).

When we rebel against Him, the Lord waits patiently for us to allow Him to run to us, throw His arms around us, and give a party in our honor (Lk 15:11-24). The Lord treats us MUCH BETTER than we deserve.

He is merciful....perhaps now, the command of Jesus for us to "Love your enemies" (Today's Gospel) is not so unreasonable after all!

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