What do we know of GOD? Logic tells us that there has to be a "Causer" of all causes, an "uncaused" cause.
Science tells us that there is an incredibly fine tuning in the development of the universe into the livable place that it is. Art tells us that there is a beauty in nature that no random events can possibly create.
The Bible tells us that:
GOD is the Father, Cause of all life and all that is good; GOD is the Son, the Word who guides and fine-tunes our lives; and GOD is the Holy Spirit who prompts us into the beauty of holiness. GOD's being is a shared community bound by perfect love. We whom He fashioned in His image are called to live and love in the same manner, sharing the wealth of the earth and the joys of heaven.
GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit. Three Persons in One GOD - equal in majesty, undivided in splendor, One Lord, ever to be adored. Through this, let us remember in our hearts and minds, the feast of the Blessed Holy Trinity.
To know more about the Holy Trinity,
please visit:
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity
please visit:
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity
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